Restorative Dentistry in Middletown

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What is restorative dentistry?

The field of restorative dentistry covers a wide range of dental services that are all aimed at helping patients restore their oral health and boost their confidence in their smiles. Restorative dental care can help patients who have experienced tooth decay, gum disease, or oral trauma. From simple procedures like dental fillings to more complex treatments like replacing missing teeth with dental prosthetics, restorative treatment can help get your smile back.

Did you know…

tooth icon

Dental issues can become more severe and costly the longer you wait to treat them.

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Before & After

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

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The Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

Improved Oral Function

Restorative dentistry can help restore the function of your teeth, making it easier to eat, speak, and even smile confidently again. Procedures such as dental implants, bridges, and dentures can replace missing teeth and improve the overall function of your mouth.

Prevents Further Damage

Restorative dentistry can help prevent further damage to your teeth and gums. By repairing or replacing damaged or missing teeth, restorative procedures can help maintain the integrity of your remaining teeth, preventing them from shifting or becoming damaged.

Enhances Appearance

Restorative dentistry can help restore the function of your teeth, making it easier to eat, speak, and even smile confidently again. Procedures such as dental implants, bridges, and dentures can replace missing teeth and improve the overall function of your mouth.

What to expect at your initial restorative appointment

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Frequently Asked Questions

As the name suggests, restorative dentistry aims to restore the form and function of infected, damaged, or missing teeth, while helping to prevent more damage later on. Restorative dentistry can also repair damage caused by any sort of dental trauma caused by an injury or accident.

Restorative dental treatments like root canals, crowns, and implants have many benefits. Although these may seem intimidating to some, advancements in dental techniques and technology have made restorative dentistry more comfortable than ever. Don’t put off getting restorative dental treatment, as getting the care you need quickly can help you to avoid future oral health problems that come with dental pain and more invasive, costly procedures. Not only will you save yourself time and money, but you’ll also be able to smile with confidence, knowing that your bite is in good health.

The extent of your coverage can vary depending on your particular policy, but many insurance plans do cover at least a portion of the cost of restorative procedures that are deemed necessary. For example, your insurance might cover the cost of a simple filling, or root canal therapy, but they may not provide the same coverage for dental implants. For a complete understanding of your own coverage, we recommend reaching out to your provider for details. Alternatively, our knowledgeable and friendly team is standing by to answer any questions you may have and find out how to maximize your benefits at our office.

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